Now that you have a defibrillator / AED (Automated External Defibrillator), there are a few things that you should consider.

Register your defibrillator. 

St John AED on wall

When someone calls 111 needing help with a cardiac arrest. To do this, we need to be able to quickly see where they are. By registering your  defibrillator, we can see its location and direct callers there so it can be used in an emergency.

By registering your defibrillator with us, you're giving us permission to direct a member of the public to the defibrillator if it's the closest one available. The information you provide won't be publicly available and will only be used when someone nearby calls 111. 


Sign up for maintenance reminders

It's important to make sure your defibrillator is always well maintained and ready for use in an emergency. Your defibrillator 's pads and batteries will need to be replaced every two to four years depending on the model (or immediately, if used in an emergency). Fill in our online form  and you’ll be sent emails reminding you to replace your pads and batteries when they are due.

Check your defibrillator regularly

Someone will need to be responsible for monitoring and maintaining the defibrillator. Ensure someone has been allocated this job. If your defibrillator has been used, you will need to replace the pads straight away. Unfortunately, we are unable to phone customers to advise them their defibrillator has been used so please check your defibrillator regularly to make sure it is still functional.

Where to place your defibrillator

When choosing where to put your defibrillator, think about where it'll be visible and easy to access. Make anyone walking past, visiting the location or works nearby knows where it is located. Make sure it is within reach and isn’t placed or stored too high on a wall. We also recommend having signage that leads people to the defibrillator. 

We have a range of indoor and outdoor cabinets to store and protect your defibrillator. 


How to use your defibrillator

Anyone can use a modern defibrillator device, but there are simple instructions to follow.

Learn how to Use An AED

AED Locations

There's one more way to register your  defibrillator. You can list it at 'AED Locations', which connects to an app showing over 12,000  defibrillators. This site isn't run by us, so it's important you register with us first. .

Register with AED Locations

Find an AED

Enter your location to find the nearet AED / defibrillator.


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