A Heart attack and a cardiac arrest are different things. 

A heart attack occurs when one of the blood vessels supplying the heart muscle with blood is blocked. The heart loses its own blood supply, and the heart muscle is injured. Some common symptoms of a heart attack include heavy, tight or crushing chest pain, feeling short of breath, and nausea. If left for too long, the heart muscle will die. A heart attack is a serious condition and can sometimes lead to a cardiac arrest. If someone has chest pain that does not ease after 10 minutes, or is very unwell, call 111 for an Ambulance. 

A cardiac arrest is where someone’s heart suddenly stops beating, they are unresponsive and not breathing normally. If someone is in cardiac arrest, start CPR, call 111 for an ambulance, and send someone to get a defibrillator. A person in cardiac arrest requires CPR to keep the blood pumping around the body. CPR is pushing hard and fast on the chest with 30 compressions and breathing in the mouth with 2 breaths. This is performed continuously, 30 to 2 no matter who, until help arrives. If a defibrillator is available place the pads on the chest and follow the instructions. 

Always use a defibrillator if someone is unresponsive and not breathing normally. 

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