Sorry, no more cheques
All major New Zealand banks have stopped accepting cheques, meaning we can no longer take a cheque payment. If the payment methods below don’t suit you, please call us on 0800 ST JOHN (0800 785 646).
Please do not send cash in the post.
Payment methods
We accept payments, including donations, via these channels:
- Online
- Over the phone at 0800 ST JOHN (0800 785 646)
- Via internet banking transfer
- In person at NZ Post or your local Hato Hone St John retail store
For more details on how, see below.
If you want to pay fees for St John Youth, please visit our fees payment portal here
Pay an invoice for an ambulance
used an emergency ambulance you may have got an invoice from us.
To pay with online banking
In a medical emergency such as a stroke or a heart attack, a possible life-saving trip in our ambulance will normally cost you $98 in part charges. With an Ambulance Membership these charges are covered for a year, for less than the cost of a single call-out! This means you can concentrate on getting better, and not worry about the bill.

If you want to join Ambulance Membership:
Please click the "JOIN NOW" button, or
Call us on 0800 ST JOHN (0800 785 646)
If you want to renew an existing Ambulance Membership you can do so in one of the following ways:
Donate to us
As a charity, every cent counts!
Donate online HERE
Donate over the phone on 0800 ST JOHN (0800 785 646)
Set up a regular donation HERE
To donate with online banking:
You can make a one-off donation through using the below details.
*Please note that if you don't have a customer ID, you will not recieve a tax receipt for your donation.
- Account Name: The Order of St John National Office
- Account Number: 12-3244-0023915-00
- Particulars: Donation
- Reference: Your customer ID
Other ways to donate
How are we funded
Bank details
If you're looking for our bank details:
- Account Name - The Order of St John National Office
- Account Number - 12-3244-0023915-00
For your Ambulance Membership, you must include the following as payment references:
- Particulars: Your Customer ID
- Code: Principal member's surname
- Reference: Membership
Find out more about Ambulance Memberships, or pay online here
For organisations paying on-account for Private training courses, you must include the following as payment references:
- Particulars: Your account no.
- Code: Your Invoice no.
- Reference: Your order no.
Note. For Individual / non-Org bookings, you must pay via visa enabled debit/credit card at time of booking.
Account2Account direct bank transfers
An alternative to paying with a credit or debit card online. This is great if you don't have or prefer not to use a Visa or Mastercard enabled credit card. You can easily pay online on the St John website directly from your bank account.
Please note: We cannot currently accept Account2Account payments for first aid training courses or any of our first aid products (including AEDs and accessories).
Payments at NZ Post
You can pay St John invoices over the counter at NZ Post by cash or EFTPOS.
You can also make a donation to a Hato Hone St John fundraising appeal over the counter at any NZ Post shop. Donations can only be processed if you bring your fundraising appeal form with the barcode on it for scanning and processing.
phone |
If you'd like to speak to one of our representatives please call 0800 STJOHN
(0800 785 646), Monday to Friday 8am - 5pm and Saturday 7.30am - 12.30pm |
alternate_email |
Our email address is: |
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Our postal address is:
Hato Hone St John, Private Bag 14902, Panmure, Auckland, 1741