Helpers to the Rescue

Nicki Russell |
AWARD: Cooper's Beach Garage proprietors Ray and Angela Dare receiving their certificate of appreciation from St John northern region operations manager Mike Burrows.

AWARD: Cooper's Beach Garage proprietors Ray and Angela Dare receiving their certificate of appreciation from St John northern region operations manager Mike Burrows.

Volunteers are vital to enabling the Order of St John to put ambulances on the road at any time of the day or night from one end of the country to the other, but equally important are the employees who allow many of those volunteers to down tools when they are needed.

St John Doubtless Bay Operations Team Manager Mike Burrows said earlier this week the commitment many employers showed in supporting the Order in that way should not go unrecognised, and that was demonstrated with the presentation of a certificate of appreciation to Cooper's Beach Garage proprietors Ray and Angela Dare.

Mr Burrows presented the certificate, which stated: 'This award recognises the commitment this business gives to St John Doubtless Bay by allowing staff to respond to call outs. It allows both of our ambulances to be available at all times. It really is invaluable.'

The couple's commitment goes further than that, however. Angela has been a volunteer with St John for the past four years, something she decided to do "to give something back to the community."

"It's an opportunity to do something for nothing. I enjoy it, I love it, I've learned heaps," she said.

Mike said St John Doubtless Bay received about 800 calls a year.

There were currently 17 volunteers, and more would always be welcome.

Anyone who like to know more was welcome to phone him on 408-0095.

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