Many St John staff will literally show their pride in the organisation’s recently acquired Rainbow Tick through their participation in the upcoming Pride Parade along Auckland’s Ponsonby Rd on February 17.
St John was accredited with the Rainbow Tick on January 16, 2017 as recognition that it is a workplace that understands, values and welcomes sexual and gender diversity.
St John joined the Rainbow Tick programme last year to gain a greater appreciation of what it’s doing well for its ‘Rainbow’ or LGBTTI (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, takatāpui and intersex) personnel, how it could improve and how to ensure the organisation is a safe, welcoming and inclusive place for people of diverse gender identity and sexual orientation to work.
Here for Life, Here for Love
St John personnel are excited to walk in the Auckland Pride Parade again in 2018, with our CEO Peter Bradley leading the way. Peter knows the importance of celebrating diversity and has given the team reign to ‘rainbow-up’ our St John logo, which could be a world first for St John!
The Pride Parade is for everyone, regardless of their orientation, to join together to celebrate equality and diversity in Aotearoa. At St John New Zealand, each of us is different and unique, but we are united in the shared mission to step forward when help is needed. For better. For life.
Greater diversity allows us to harness a richer range of ideas, insights and perspectives to better understand and serve our communities. As an inclusive organisation, St John is committed to being a wonderful place for LGBT+ people to work and volunteer, and we proudly gained Rainbow Tick certification in January 2017. Celebrating throughout Pride Festival, we are also excited to be part of the Big Gay Out this year. We look forward to seeing everyone there.
- Cat Valentine, St John Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging Lead