Statement from St John regarding cost savings

Victoria Hawkins |

This statement can be attributed to Peter Bradley, St John NZ Chief Executive Officer.

“St John can confirm it is consulting internally on proposals to make cost savings in management and support areas in the 2016/17 financial year.  The proposals do not directly impact frontline ambulance services.

The proposed savings amount to 2% of St John’s total budget and directly affect around 1% of St John’s 2,200-strong paid workforce and we expect to be able to redeploy a significant number of these staff within St John.

The savings will not impact the quality of patient care, or St John’s commitment to ending single crewed emergency ambulance responses in 2018.

St John strives to deliver the best possible value for money, and runs a cost savings programme each year as part of being accountable for the donations, taxpayer funding and volunteer hours we receive.” 

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