Without kindness and support from donors, businesses and charitable funders across the motu – we simply couldn’t do what we do. We’re so grateful for charitable grants, bequests, and donations from across Aotearoa that continue to help us care for communities.

How are grant and trust donations used?  

All funds raised go towards our services and programmes that help care for you, your whānau, your loved ones and your community. Your funds also go towards keeping ambulances on the road – this service is not fully government funded.    

How are we funded

Would your foundation or trust like to support us? 

If you’d like to find out more about how you could support us with a community grant or charitable trust donation, please email our team at grants@stjohn.org.nz or call us at 0800 STJOHN(0800 785 646) 

More about what we do 


Meet our corporate supporters 


Donate to our appeal 



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