We are a charitable organisation, providing emergency ambulance services, community health and youth leadership programmes across New Zealand.

See how we are funded here

As the emergency services arm of the health sector, our ambulances serve nearly 90% of New Zealanders across 97% of the country. Demand for our ambulance service has grown 3% on average, year on year, for the last five years. In the previous financial year (July 2019 – June 2020) we answered more than 545,000 emergency calls, treating or transporting more than 460,000 patients.

To meet the broader health needs of New Zealanders, we also work to tackle underlying issues affecting wellbeing, and to create connections for stronger communities. Our innovative trusted health care services help people live independent lives and feel safer at home or work.

How are we funded?                                                                       

The emergency ambulance services we provide are funded approximately 80% through contracts with the Ministry of Health and the Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC), with the balance made up from ambulance part-charges, third-party contracts, and fundraising. There is no cross-subsidisation from our ambulance service to other parts of our organisation.

Fundraising plays an important role in helping to fund capital expenditure including purchasing and equipping ambulances and other vehicles, clinical equipment and building and maintaining ambulance stations.

Along with the emergency ambulance service, we operate a significant number of community health programmes including Waka Ora Health Shuttles, Caring Caller, Friends of the Emergency Department, Community Carers, and Outreach Therapy Pets, and activities like First Aid Training and Mental Health First Aid Training, to help to build community resilience, and enable people to live independently for longer.

Our fundraising includes community donations, regular giving, bequests, grants and commercial partnerships. We also receive revenue from our social enterprises including First Aid and Mental Health First Aid Training, and Medical Alarms.

What does the rest of the picture look like?

The operating costs of the ambulance emergency service were $277.8 million for the 2019/20 financial year. Our total operating costs, including all services and programmes was $353.4 million.

How much of your support do we rely on?

As an organisation we are astounded and humbled by the continuing generosity of the public of Aotearoa New Zealand in their support - both financially and through the provision of their time and expertise as volunteers. Our total fundraising revenue (including grants, donations, bequests, regular giving, and sponsorship) amounted to $35.9 million for the 2019/20 financial year.

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