Poipoia te Pitomata is a flexible programme that looks at the potential of our rangatahi (youth), nurturing them to grow as future rangatira (leaders) in their whanau and community. It’s part of our commitment to make life-changing differences with our communities and improve health equity.
Poipoi means to nurture and grow. Poipoia te Pitomata uses knowledge and practice through a Te Ao Māori (Māori world) lens, giving rangatahi the chance to develop and grow skills in health and wellbeing to build their confidence as leaders while they navigate their futures.

Supporting growth and leadership
Poipoia te Pitomata offers rangatahi the skills and confidence to understand more about who they are, and more about their potential as leaders. It gives them the tools and confidence to step up and be leaders in their community.
Skills and understanding
Rangatahi can learn skills that include: first aid and responding to emergencies; how to boost resilience through mental and physical wellbeing; understanding the Te Whare Tapa Wha model of wellbeing; and learning leadership tools to build positive relationships.
Flexible learning
Poipoia te Pitomata can be delivered anywhere from one to five days, to suit the needs of participants. Our Community Educators work with schools and youth organisations to design programmes for their rangatahi, aimed at 14 - 25 year olds.
Help with employment
On each day of the programme, participants work towards three tohu matihiko (digital badges). The tohu matihiko represent skills in first aid, communication, teamwork, leadership, commitment, and confidence. These can help rangatahi to articulate their skills and gain employment now or in the future.

Is there a cost?
With support from the community there's no cost for participants. We're grateful to everyone who donates and helps us further our mahi in communities around Aotearoa.
Book for your rangatahi
If you’d like to bring Poipoia te Pitomata to your community, or if you have any questions, please contact us.
Enquiry formor email us (schools@stjohn.org.nz)
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