What are the criteria for becoming a volunteer at events?

Applicants must:

  1. Be in excellent health and both medically and physically fit, as they will be asked to undertake a fitness and strength test.
  2. Be New Zealand citizens or have permanent residence status and be living in New Zealand permanently.
  3. Have a full New Zealand driver’s licence.
  4. Complete a Police vetting.
  5. Commit themselves to attending a minimum of four hours of event duty and one training session per month. The total commitment required is 60 hours per annum, which includes the 48 hours of event duty.

There are also personal qualities that interviewers will be looking for when recruiting volunteers.

If you are under 18 years of age, please refer to the St John youth section.

How do I become a St John volunteer at events?

Please refer to our become a volunteer at events section for information on the recruitment and selection process.

How long does it take until I can attend my first event?

If there are openings for event volunteers in your district and you are accepted, you will be assigned a mentor and asked to attend an induction course and regular meetings until you are fully trained.  Once you have completed training and received your uniform, you will be able to go on duty at events. It takes approximately six months to reach this level. An experienced member will supervise you for the first 30 hours of event duty.

What sort of time commitment do I need to make? How many events do I need to do a month?

All volunteers are required to attend at least four hours attendance at events each month and a minimum of one training session per month. Most active volunteers attend at least one event per fortnight, although some of our volunteers regularly attend several events each week. You may be asked to attend more events in the high season (February and March) than over the winter period. The total commitment required is 60 hours per annum, which includes the 48 hours of event duty.

Will I receive training?

Yes. You will be asked to attend an induction course initially. You will then be put on a comprehensive First Responder training course, comprising a balance of theory and practical skills that will allow you to use a wide range of equipment and provide initial patient care. This may take six months to complete.

Most volunteers will train to become a First Responder, but other options may be available,depending upon your personal ambitions and availability.

Can I choose the type of events I want to go to?

You can certainly indicate your interest for a certain event. Although this doesn’t guarantee you will be asked to attend that event, unless the event is an extremely popular one there is a strong possibility that your request will be granted. Event volunteers must be prepared to attend a range of event types and sizes, although personal event preferences will be considered wherever possible.

What will I need to wear?

All Hato Hone St John volunteers at events wear the Hato Hone St John uniform. This includes a white shirt, green jersey and Hato Hone St John jacket. You will receive your uniform when you have completed the induction course. If you cease being a volunteer for Hato Hone St John, you will be required to give the uniform back to your district.

What age are volunteers at events?

Hato Hone St John has event volunteers of all ages, ranging from 18 to 70+ years old. Our average age is 42 years. Our volunteers come from a wide range of backgrounds, occupations, ethnic groups and socio-economic groups.

Do I get paid?

Hato Hone St John event volunteers do not get paid. A small reimbursement may be given for event travel and meals, if these are not provided.

Can I volunteer in some way that doesn’t require medical skills? I have skills that may be useful to St John – how do I indicate this when applying?

Hato Hone St John has many volunteer opportunities.  Non-clinical volunteer support roles at events include catering, communications, administration and logistics. If you are interested in any of these roles, please phone or complete an online enquiry form.

HHSJ Website Donate WidgetBecome a Hato Hone St John VolunteerSt John first aid TrainingSt John medical alarmEvent support